Artist Biography

Riëtte Delport has become a well known favourite artist among South Africans. The success of the extended merchandise range, has added an edge to multi-dimensional pieces. Finally you are able to buy from anywhere in the world. One of the biggest challenges has been to retain a range of integrity and originality. While flattering, the many copyright infringements experienced has invariably taken its toll on how much an artist is willing to share… So much love, time and dedication goes into each piece, each range. We appeal to you to respect this, and to rather get in touch with the artist or the gallery directly to discuss any reselling or offshoot projects you might have had in mind. Feel free to browse and shop… let us know how we can help!

Be inspired

©Riëtte Delport Art portrays intimate portraits that speak, inspire and comfort. The Artist Riëtte Delport resides in the picturesque town of MosselBay about 400km to the east of Cape Town, South Africa. 

Riëtte paints her pieces with the absence of facial features hoping that each person would see something of themselves in the piece. It is with your interpretation that makes each piece of art unique and personal.  To add to her repertoire she recently also started to add figures with facial features in her original paintings and has also been commissioned to do detailed self portraits on canvas panels in oil paint for clients.

©Riëtte draws her inspiration from nature, her amazing husband and two wonderful children. She enjoys working on many different types of mediums which includes clay, wood portraits and recently she started painting on furniture. When she is not painting she spends her time with her family, enjoys reading and loves to do Bible study.

Waar kom ek vandaan?


Somersonne, plattelandse geluk, sorgvrye dae, dankbaar vir die lewe. Die Kinderhuis was my plek, veilige mure het my beskerm, maar wie kon my hart beskerm?


Ek strewe om weer die geluk te vind na die mure afgebreek is deur die wêreld se realiteite – Jy is nou op jou eie. Toe begin die soeke; soeke weer na God, nadat ek geglo het Hy het my veilige mure kom wegvat. Die kwaad wat ek eers moes laat vaar, maar die soeke bring my op snaakse plekke.  


Vir my bly God ver weg, die soeke na aanvaarding en sukses word net meer rooskleurig, maar min het ek besef die sukses lê eintlik op die bodem van die diepste put, en nie in die roostuin nie. Die sukses lê so diep dat net God my sal kry.  


God vind my nie, ek vind Hom. Maar volgens my standaard, die wêreld se standaard.  


My oomblikke in die put word net donkerder, maar hoe?  Ek is dan ‘n vrou van God, omdat ek Hom mos gevind het na baie soeke. Min kon ek sien, die liggie wat in die put is, was maar die duiwel met ‘n kers.  


Daarom klassifiseer ek as Christen. Yay. Nou werk ek vir God. 

Tog bly ek soek. Daar was lig, maar my hart was donker. Eendag, eendag sou God vir my ook sê; “Gaan weg, ek ken jou nie. Al het jy my Seun se naam gebruik om wonders te doen, om mense te bereik, om sukses te kon kry.” 


Rut, Rut, Rut het my identiteit geword. Rut het besluit, sukses het besluit, rykdom het begin besluit, en tog alles tot eer van God. Ek is uitverkore, ek is Sy oogappel, nogtans staan satan daar met sy dowwe kerslig besig om my net net die pad te wys, weg van God af.  


Die roepstem, die klop van God het my gedwing tot op my knieë in die put van donker en ek het my hart oopgeskeur vir Sy wedergeboorte en gesmeek, “Here Help ek is in die hel, ek sien niks ek ervaar niks. Ek leef die lewe van heiligheid maar ek voel verlore, ek voel iets kort.” Toe God my hart besny en die Heilige Gees in my hart stort deur Sy seun Jesus Christus, kon ek sien, die lig wat ek laat skyn het was ‘n dowwe valse liggie. En ek kon sien dat die ware seën in hierdie wêreld nie sukses is nie maar die redding deur Sy seun.  


Here, Here U het my kom red, U het my vrygemaak van die bodemlose put van donkerte, daarom vir U evangelie, verloën ek myself. Die rykdomme en glories is niks, Rut is niks, Jesus is alles.  


Riëtte Delport is gebore, met een doel en dit is om U kind te wees, nie die weeskind wat soek na sukses en aanvaarding nie. In U koningkryk is alles, en op die aarde moet ons verwerping aanneem, ter wille van die evangelie.  


Here dankie dat ek my naam kan gebruik, my naam Riëtte, ek stap ‘n nuwe pad, een in geloof. Nie om sukses deur my geloof te behaal nie, om iets te skep wat mooi is, maar nie wat my lewe bepaal nie.  


U bepaal my lewe. U besluit hoe my voetstappe gerig sal word. In U woord sal ek bly, en nie meer my eie opinie skep omtrent U woord nie.



Riëtte Delport

Riette Delport Art The Goods Shed Gallery

Exhibition Gallery – The Goods Shed

Find my walk-in gallery at The Goods Shed at 55 Bland Street, where I present my full range.

I am grateful every day for this wonderful talent and the opportunity to be able to express myself freely. This gift is something I love and I could not imagine myself doing anything else! Prior to exploring my passion fulltime, I was a kindergarten teacher for 6 years while studying Educare part-time.”

The rich history accompanied by Riëtte Delport’s art is a breathtaking experience. Large open spaces compliments her handiwork with décor and furniture. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming.

Riëtte’s passion is to make a difference in people with each brushstroke and communicative thought-writing. She sees every moment as a valuable opportunity to create, whether it be by her art or the infectious love she has for her family and friends. Her creative heart echoes for other

More about my full range

There is such a fine balance between following your heart, and becoming a slave to commerce. I mostly create original ©Riëtte Delport paintings on stretched canvas, but I love to work on different mediums.

After originals are painted, they are developed into functional art, home décor or accessories; and with the freedom across borders which the internet brings into the mix, I am now able to take my creations to people around the world!

Please support my online gallery by shopping and sharing the link on social media. Keep an eye out for the next event or public appearance, and please keep sending me photographs of my art in your homes… I love to hear from you!

Please browse through the categories. All my latest and current work is posted daily on my Facebook page if you would like to follow me there –